will you?

Will you be the calm to my storm?
Wrecked havoc yet clueless where it starts from..
Its a heartquake of a great magnitude,
With love will come an immense gratitude, 
Will you, say yes, will you? 

Terrified, petrified, and stupified,
But with your entrance will my life be glorified..
Tried tuning out the noise in the back of my head,
Slowing down the pace of the beats of my heart,
Extended my hands for a supportive hold, 
Alerted my ears for a whisper of love, 
Sigh! A huge sigh to the hopeless darkened corner,
A constant glare opened my eyes to a harsh reality, 
Days passed by and gave me a better clarity, 
The "i am here when you need me" was just a note, 
Copied and pasted everytime just to win my vote, 

Will you be different and not make a show? 
Will you value the soul or its again a no? 
Will you be the warmth to my shivering heart? 
Lets rhyme like the ending words of a poem,
Radiate warmth like the sun,
Towards joy together we'll run, 
The vows would mean something, 
If not shared life will bring nothing.

Will you be the light to my darkness?
A hope to my hopeless innerself,
Will you, say yes, will you? 


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