I miss everything about yesterday....

The black scary cloud is hovering over
Is it going to brust out into tiny drops?
Is it just going to hover over and scare me more?
Because I am frail inside, the strong me is lost somewhere...
It takes a lot to gain some strenght,
A second to crush it all into crumbs
I crave strength to withstand what may befall..
Because unpredictable is what life has become..

The Stormy wind takes along a little of my strength Everytime it blows
I crave the gentle breeze that would heal my aching soul..
The sun peeks out only for a while
Too bright and too hot and then its gone
I crave a pleasant weather that would make the day a good day

What's there on the people's face?
Wearing a mask or truth revealed?
I crave the humanity once used glow in the eyes.
If its money thats changing everything
I crave an inner peace that money couldnt ever buy..

Chirping birds that brings smile
Waving and dancing trees that gives pleasure
The sound of streaming water
The whistling soft breeze
I crave the gone years that had everything in it's pristine state. 

I crave my childhood a little more each day, 
I crave a little livelier moment..

P.S- yet again some buried thoughts digged up to surface and put into words.... Well, a lot goes up in the head but when I have to crop it all into a single page, I end up writing rubbish... 


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