why cant every *WHY* be answered?

life makes you go through different situations
Clouds of sorrow may hover over you
Mountains of hurdles may block your way
Sulking isnt the solution,
 neither is crying! 
But what is the solution thn? 
Cant speak it out
Has my heart been glued?
Everything is locked inside..

it is suffocating 
 cant hold it anymore... 
i feel like dumb.. 
biggest dumb the world has ever produced.. 
Why has my faith been shaken, 
i cant even trust myself? 
Why my emotions been shattered, 
I am scared of acknowledging my own feelings? 
Why my trust been hurted,
 holding inside seems to be the only way
Why cant i exhale an air of relief, 
Why cant words be convincing to my heart?

Its hard to gain trust
 but why breaking is always easy
smile may be wider than the moon 
but why heart weeps in silent? 
When asked why  it gets hard to explain a simple thing 
Fucked up*screwed up*pissed off* why always end up a day with thys words? 

When you get angry
do you only speak to yourself and cry to yourself? 
 Do you get pissed at others with no reason?  
I aint the only one, am i? 

Words feel sharp as knife
slice you down 
Tears you apart
Why frustration is such a bad feeling?


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