lets play pretend

I tried to silence my screaming soul
Alas! silence plays but the opposite role
Deafening yet pierces right through my heart
Listening to one's own silence could be hard

Don't want no voice to my emotions 
 People anyway have their own notions
Though speaking would lighten the weight
Right! nothing else could ever be great

I choose to stay silent still
In my heart of hearts that's my will
Translate the vocabularies of my eyes
I wouldn't have to speak and that'd be nice

People's concern is a beautified plastic
The way it dwindles is quite drastic
Just show them your wounds and scars
They will make a sad tale out of it just in hours

I keep my admiration for people low key
Don't need my heart be on display for them to see
Because my feelings are mine
I can express it or swallow it with a sip of wine.

Smiling eyes speaks for the teary heart
Smiling face speaks for the shaky voice
Hands that dances in joy and heart that cries in pain
Steps laid towards happy places and soul corners itself in the dark..
We go through a lot, good and bad
We come out either happy or sad...

The talk that needs to be talked are never talked about
The walk that needs to be taken are never walked
To take a breath of relief
one need to cross the longest bridge of grief..

Eyeing doesn't make things yours
Wishing doesn't take you places
You will earn only by trying to get
You will reach only when you take a step..

Let's just pretend life is always kind and good...
Let's just pretend there's happiness in every ounce of rays...
Let's just pretend the smiles on our faces are pure and out of sheer joy..
Let's just pretend every soul lives in peace and so do I...
Let's just pretend we are all fine in our hearts today and always....

P.S- been long since I last penned down some random thoughts...just random thoughts, as always..


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