I bet its been really long but time just flew by. last time i wrote something i guess i was new to this place i am living in at the moment. i am quite familiarise with almost everything now and in fact i have started liking it here now. No way! i can't forget what i had past then but what you have now is all that you have to live with. those who say "everything will be al right, its just a matter of time", i guess they aint comepletely wrong. Everything i have come across in my life either left me with a scar or a lesson. 'You reap only what you sow" i am starting to firmly believe that everything happens for a reason and what has to happen will happen, i got no hold on that. I wouldn't call it "giving up" when i live in my present not bothering too much about why the past has to leave. because may be better days are on its way to me, 
Does that mean all i have had in past (everyday before today) weren't good? No! that doesn't mean that at all because i cherish every gone moment through memories and that makes me feel like i am still living the same moment, over and over again. 


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