A trip, holiday, enjoyment is all that you have gotta do when you get along with people you feel happy with.
#Pangong Lake... yes yes thats the place where 3 idiots was shot and of course the best place to soothe yourself where you dont need a cold shoulder to feign warm, where you dont need fake sympathy towards you. A wonderful trip it was with the best people of my life. you know nature can be the best company if you really look towards it with positive thought. and them being with me it was icing on the cake. All my undue sorrows, guilt and worries vanished away and i felt swallowed in merry moment. the air contained only excitement and joy and we fully enjoyed our togetherness.

Wow!! marveled, aint you? because i was there and my heart still crave for such moment to live. I mean look at the view, how beautiful is that. soft cottony white clouds scattered beautifully in the clear blue sky, easily distinguishable colored pebbles beneath the water as if smiling at you, those stilled mountains over there seems like narrating you the story behind its beauty and half its head covered with snow makes it all the more wonderful.
Friends we are. the whole year we live miles away but we always live in each others hearts. well it is so rightly said that *those who care will never leave you, even in your hard times, you will always find them in your heart* stupid jokes that makes no sense to others, sounds the most funniest to your friends ears. your tears may go unseen to world but those who care will read every unshared sorrows.
one of the best trip i have ever had in my life, it wasnt our last trip though we enjoyed like it was the last one but its not over here. we will have our next moment too and will enjoy even more. lets all wait for the moment to come..
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