meeting brings joy but why parting is such a pain?

If i crave for suresh ka paratha i wouldn’t be able to just make a call to you all and be there because coming from afar for a paratha at friends corner doesn’t sound sane. As if i am.. :-p
anyway but you all are lucky that you can and will go there whenever your wish says. Its always been icing on the cake having you all around me in my moments. You know sadness is nothing but a mere word and the word doesn’t even begin to explain the pain it gives, those who bears it understands it. Having a shoulder to lean over and shed a tears of sorrow is a boon we are gifted with and you all are the best gift i have ever had. Thank you all for being there as a part of my journey and for being the people i would never want to forget. just one thing i would want to say, good luck you all in every endeavor you'd make to achieve you dreams. my good 4 brothers RINCHEN, PALJOR, SINGEE AND DELDAN thank you so much for being the best brothers. my jolly funny roomie stanzin yangdol i would miss every little thing that you'd done and which actually has touched my soul, your jokes, your attempts to do anything and everything specially in kitchen.. lol. *diring thukpa thungin jik rak hala* just this much and next moment we'd say alright lets go to deldan;s place. dear brothers your room was a home for two of us. whenever we'd miss something about home nothing else comes in mind but your room. Deachan dolker you are someone i cant say anything for because our friendship can't be explained in mere words. you mean a lot more than that to me. i just cant thank you enough for being just you and for being there always. parties and celebrations mean nothing unless the one's we are partying with are the one's we love. with you guys i have always felt more lively. urvashi,pebam ,dipanita,jadaun,soumitra my good and best college friends. had it not been for you i dont think i would have loved my college days. specially sharma you were equally helpful to me as oxygen is for us to survive. i just cant imagine my undergraduate without you.
time has answer for every question and i am sure time will bring us together again.
###thanks to all the people who've made my last three years beautiful###
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